Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Day 9 Lanzarote Swim Camp - Molly, Lucy and Hannah's entry

Well... What an eventful last day it's been.

Firstly Abbie woke up blind as a bat struggling to get her contacts in as she was late for training, losing two points for the blue team.

Next was breakfast, shortly followed by a hardcore med/Swiss ball session on the plastic lawn.  But no  Andi and family returned to their room, only to find that the maid had left the tap running to flood the entire apartment. Water was flooding down the stairs, out the door and through the roof.

We all  then headed off to the pool. The sprinters had a lactate tolerance set whilst the others worked to perfect their technique. At the end of the session we all came together in our teams and participated in relays, these relays included downing cans of fizzy pop and munching on numerous dry crackers (so much for nutrition). Blue team stormed the relays winning three out of the four, but red team managed to claim the cracker relay victory thanks to teammate Jamie waffling down three crackers in record time! White team unfortunately lost every one.

After a well earned couple of hours rest we headed to the beach to try a new sport, kayaking! Whilst some cruised across the the sea(Kane) others capsized within 1m of the shore (Tyler)! Some was too scared to go on there own so went in a two man kayak with three people,( hannah, jess, evie) only to discover this was a terrible idea as they capsized in the middle of the sea and couldn't turn the boat the right way round so decided to chill on the upside down boat!

The swimmers of the camp were announced during the team meeting which were as follows:

-Jamie, for the age group swimmers

-Kane, for the youth/senior boys

-Fran, for the youth/senior girls

After totalling up the team points red team (captain Kane and the mighty pirates) took the victory in a total of 44 points. Followed closely by the blue team then the White.

This amazing blog was written by the coolest room.

Molly, Hannah, Lucy!

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